Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Synthetics tech give a Paisley a new life

When Parker worked in a high tech company,his project was study the variation materiel which can pick up to start by nanometer technology.He find a way to synthetize some new variation materiel.His boss allowed him to work with some fashion designers,they product some camouflage silks and satins.
But the recession and hospital bills drove their company into bankruptcy.As a transgender,Parker must pay for the high hospital bills,he didn't want to interrupt the estrogen therapy,so he had a new idea.He change the programme of the nanometer synthetics,which can make the organ changed as wish.
It means scrotum and penis,testis and prostate can change in Monsveneris, labium, vagina and ovary.Parker had some doctor friends and gave him much guide.It can be test in public,but Parker took adventure of testing on the body himself.
Not only Parker's reproduction organs changed,but his face and body changed.soft and supple skin,plump lips,well-endowed breast,slim shins and so much change happened on Parker.Now she is a 才omplete woman. Parker changed his name as Paisley,and got a new ID card.
The fashion designer were so proud in Paisley and invited her as the image speaker.The fashion was so wonderful and helped Paisley become a super model.
Later,Paisley asked Jack for dinner,Jack was her former boss in the high tech company. Paisley told him:"When I was your co-worker,you give me warm encourage,and you can stand all my shortcomings,I just falled in love with you.Do you want to be my boyfriend?"
Jack said a little bit voice:"I am a nerd,I have stockings fetish,can you accept that?"
Guess what happened next?Paisley's legs wrapped in sheer silk stockings for Jack,so Jack can rub them softly.That night they went back together and made love with great passion.Jack sucked on Paisley's feet through the sheer stockings,Paisley legs tightened as a powerful orgasm overtook her senses.
Paisley marryed with Jack,and take Jack's last name.Now they start a new nanometer tech company,and want to help more peolpe can use the new synthetics tech to change their lifes.

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